Extreme Weather conference extremely timely

Extreme weather events are becoming more common. Heatwaves, floods bushfires and cyclones are more prevalent than ever, with Australia on the sharp end. Government News is a partner with the first Xtreme Weather Australia Conference, being held at Brisbane’s Sofitel Hotel on 20 March 2018. Join Australia’s leading experts and communicators for the full day […]

PC Report on Government Services – Health

The Productivity Commission’s Report on Government Services (RoGS) has a large section on Health. The  sector is broken into public hospitals, primary and community health, ambulance services, and mental health management. Total government expenditure across Australia in 2016-17 for health services was estimated to be over $96.7 billion in 2015-16, around 43.2 per cent of […]

PC Report on Government Services – Emergency Management

The Productivity Commission’s Report on Government Services (RoGS) has a section on Emergency Management. These are categorised as Fire and State and Territory Emergency Services (STES). Ambulance services are covered separately in the Health section of the report. Total government expenditure across Australia in 2016-17 for fire and STES services was $4.3 billion, around 1.9 […]

Productivity Commission Report on Government Services – Overview

The Productivity Commission has begun releasing its 23rd annual Report on Government Services (RoGS). It is major exercise, with separate chapters released in seven parts over the next week on all areas of government service delivery. Government News will examine each report in depth. Our special Australia Day newsletter will highlight all sections released by […]

Extreme weather conference to target government users

The impact of climate change on infrastructure and government will be one of the key themes of Australia’s first Xtreme Weather Conference, to be held at the Sofitel Brisbane on 20 March 2018. The conference brings together climate change experts with local government planners, academics and emergency services to share information on climate change and […]

Demountable classrooms here to stay in NSW

More than 10 percent of the classrooms in New South Wales public schools are demountables, built and maintained by the state’s growing prison population. Despite the Government saying they are a temporary fix, its own numbers show the numbers are rising and that there is no clear policy to replace them with permanent buildings. Indeed, […]


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