Queensland govt announces senior appointments

Queensland has announced three senior public sector appointments, as well as a new fire chief for the state.

Commissioner Stehpen Smith

Acting Queensland Fire and Emergency Services commissioner Stephen Smith has been appointed as the new Commissioner, after 30 years in the service, fire and disaster recovery minister Nikki Boyd announced last week.

Commissioner Smith is highly regarded for his leadership in many of the state’s biggest emergency responses and has been awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal and the National Emergency Medal. 

Commissioner Smith said his priority for the QFES was to maintain a strong operational capability and enhance public safety.

“I will prioritise the wellbeing and professional development of our service personnel to ensure they have the resources and training needed to serve Queensland communities safely and effectively,” he said in a statement.

“Together, we will continue building resilience and preparedness to protect lives, properties, and the environment.”

Promotions for three senior bureaucrats

Linda Dobe

Meanwhile, acting department of regional development, manufacturing and water director general Linda Dobe will take on the role permanently.

Ms Dobe has been a senior executive across several Queensland government departments and has more than 30 years of water, lands, mining and education experience across both public and private sectors.

She’s been acting in the role since March 2023.

Peter McKay

Office of Industrial Relations deputy director Peter McKay has been promoted to director general at the department of agriculture and fisheries.

Mr McKay, a former deputy commissioner at the Queensland Public Sector Commission, brings more than 20 years’ senior executive experience across large Queensland Government departments in policy, corporate support, service delivery and regulation.

Graeme Bolton

Grame Bolton, who was most recently former deputy director-deneral of the Department of Youth Justice, has been promoted to director general within the organisation.

He brings more than 20 years’ senior executive experience across large Queensland government departments in policy, corporate support, service delivery and regulation.

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