Winner of the 2008 UNAA World Environment Day Local Government Award for Best Specific Environmental Initiative: Fairfield City Council’s Nalawala Sustainability Hub
By Angela Dorizas
Nominations are now open for the 2009 United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) World Environment Day Awards. The national awards program highlights the achievements of local government, community groups, businesses and individuals in managing the environment and developing environmental initiatives.
The theme for the 2009 Awards ‘Your Planet Needs You – UNite to Combat Climate Change’ recognises and promotes the collaborative work of countries, corporations and communities in tackling the effects of global warming.
Councils can enter into two Local Government Awards: Excellence in Overall Environmental Management; and Best Specific Environmental Initiative.
The City of Ipswich was the recipient of the 2008 Award for Excellence in Overall Environmental Management. The Queensland council was awarded for setting a carbon emissions reduction target of 20 per cent by 2010, preventing erosion near local waterways, improving water quality and maintaining native animal habitats.
The 2008 Award for Best Specific Environmental Initiative went to Fairfield City Council, New South Wales, for its Nalawala Sustainability Hub.
Council combined three projects on one site: Australia’s largest straw bale building, the Nalwala Community Hall; Australia’s first bicycle library; and an indigenous plant nursery with a biodiversity bank of seedlings.
According to Fairfield City Council, the award winning Nalawala Sustainability Hub has successfully promoted sustainability initiatives to the local community.
Nominations for the 2009 UNAA World Environment Day Awards close Friday 1 May. For more information visit the UNAA website.
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