More procurement from SMEs to ‘boost innovation’

The Federal Government’s new report on ways to boost innovation in Australia has called for more government procurement from SMEs (small and medium enterprises). Government agency Innovation and Science Australia (ISA) has released a report, ‘Australia 2030: Prosperity through Innovation’, making 30 recommendations on how to improve Australia’s poor performance in innovation. On most international […]

Government News in 2018 – Bigger, better, brighter

Thanks for your support of Government News in 2017. Our last newsletter for the year will be next Tuesday 19 December. We will be back on Friday 5 January 2018. We have a lot planned for 2018. Not far into the new year we’ll be launching a new website and a new look newsletter. That […]

Audit Office shines a light on procurement

The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) has released a major report on procurement in the Federal Government. It is an information report that says it is “not an audit nor an assurance review” and that no conclusions or opinions are represented. But it does present a useful overview of government procurement. The report is based […]

It’s not Intel, it’s ‘industry standard’

Microprocessor supplier AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) is on a mission to convince Australian government agencies not to specify Intel-based hardware for their computer systems. It doesn’t even like the words ‘Intel or compatible’. It wants Intel not to be mentioned at all, and replaced with phrases like ‘industry standard’. Better still, it wants agencies to […]

Will Amazon dominate government procurement?

As online retail giant Amazon sets up its Australian operations, serious concerns have emerged in the US about its potential dominance of Federal Government purchasing. The new US National Defense Authorization Act, which has been passed by the House of Representatives and is currently before the Senate, will move Defense Department purchasing to unspecified ‘online […]

‘Buy local’ purchasing plan backfires

On 7 September the Federal Government implemented a new Stationery and Office Supplies (SOS II) Panel. Last year sales through the previous SOS Panel were worth $38 million. One supplier says the new contract unfairly favours foreign-owned companies over Australian suppliers, because the only manufacturer of Australian made indigenous paper refuses to supply the only […]


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