The government has allocated almost $80m for a business case for the Sydney to Newcastle section of a high speed rail.
Tag: high-speed-rail
High speed rail boss to present business case
The business case for the Sydney to Newcastle stage of the High Speed Rail is expected to be complete by the end of the year.
Delivering high speed train won’t be quick, cheap or easy: rail boss
The head of the high speed rail agency says a range of key issues still have to be resolved before an east coast high speed rail can become a reality.
High Speed Rail Authority set to start work as board announced
The new HSRA, tasked with overseeing development of the high-speed east coast rail network, will start work on June 13.
Research finds $140b case for high-speed rail
A high-speed rail network could bring many benefits, including creating value uplift and increasing liveability.
Labor calls for infrastructure-led COVID recovery
Labor says investment in nation-building infrastructure is needed to resurrect the national economy.
Premier decrees mandatory e-planning
E-planning will become mandatory for all all metropolitan NSW councils from next year.
Planning the ticket to good public transport infrastructure
Collaboration and connectivity.
High Speed Rail? We’re digging a new Sydney Metro harbour crossing now, says Constance
Political Value Capture.
Is the Very Fast Train back on the Federal agenda?
Outgoing Andrew Robb revives huge project push.
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