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Council ordered to pay back $36m state grant

A Sydney council must pay back a $36 million state grant after failing to deliver on plans to build a park, the government says.

Waterless wok targets heavy water usage

By Adam Coleman Wollongong and Hurstville City Councils in conjunction with the Ethnic Communities Council of NSW (ECC NSW) is targeting an area of excessive water usage with an inventive waterless wok. ECC NSW spokesperson and project coordinator, Ms Helen Scott, said that Asian style cooking restaurants use two to four times more water than […]

Twenty-first century services on a nineteenth century rate base

By Jane Garcia in Leura The Local Government and Shires Association of NSW (LGSA) launched its State Election Policy Platform at the Local Government Association’s (LGA) annual conference held in Leura this week (October 28 – November 1). The platform addresses themes including autonomy and intergovernmental relations; community and environmental wellbeing; financial sustainability; and transparency […]

Commitment needed to grow arts culture: Garrett

By Adam Coleman Australian arts and culture are not receiving the advocacy they deserve in the national leadership, and need a robust commitment to arts education, a creative industries agenda along with the promotion of Australian cultural diversity overseas. That is the message of Shadow Minister for the Arts, Peter Garrett, who told some […]

SA councils respond to sustainability inquiry

By Jane Garcia in Adelaide Local government representatives gathered in Adelaide for the Local Government Association of South Australia’s (LGA of SA) annual general meeting and associated workshops yesterday and heard about how councils and the Association are continuing the momentum created by the Independent Inquiry into the Financial Sustainability of Local Government held last […]

GPs key in event of Pandemic says ANU

By Adam Coleman In the event of a pandemic influenza outbreak, general practitioners would be crucial to prevent a large number of Australian deaths recent research from the Australian National University (ANU) has revealed. Australia’s health and emergency services have descended on Brisbane to stage ‘Exercise Cumpston’ – Australia’s largest ever health crisis simulation, which […]

Programs attempt to cool ‘Ice’ come-down

By Adam Coleman The battle to halt the rise of arguably Australia’s worst drug problem has begun, with the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) conducting world-first clinical trials of a new drug to help methamphetamine users kick the habit, while in NSW two new clinics providing pilot treatment programs will be set-up to […]

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Innovation delivers justice

Young people in the justice system are better connected with support thanks to an innovative partnership between the not-for-profit, public, and private sectors.

Fairer Fleet Insurance with Geotab

With Geotab’s telematics solutions, greater oversight on your vehicles and drivers means more reliable data for your insurers. Armed with greater knowledge of your fleets, they can decrease insurance costs.


EasyPark ANZ celebrates 10 years of making parking easy

They say ‘Time flies when you are enjoying yourself.’ As EasyPark celebrates 10 years since the App first went live in Australia, attention has already turned to what the next decade will bring.

More energy solutions for industry

Thousands of manufacturing and industrial companies face the challenge of reducing both emissions and operating costs. Renewable gas could provide the energy option they need.



How local councils can achieve more with storytelling

Local councils must be able to engage stakeholders in a compelling community outcomes story rather than relying on complex data and technical reports alone.