Why councils depend on reliability of complex IT infrastructures

One of the key advantages of comprehensive IT infrastructure monitoring is the ability to identify and address system, application and network issues preemptively, writes Felix Berndt.

Felix Berndt

There are 537 councils in Australia, and no two councils have the same population or geographical attributes. Most of them face challenges to their financial sustainability from rising cost pressures, rate capping and cost-shifting and increasing demand for their services and infrastructure from a rapidly growing population. However, in this digital-first age, local government employees and their citizens require a reliable IT infrastructure to ensure the availability of online services 24/7.

Digital transformation is reshaping how public services are delivered; Australian councils increasingly rely on robust and reliable IT infrastructures to provide online services to citizens. Comprehensive IT infrastructure monitoring has become critical to ensuring councils can operate efficiently and effectively, avoiding the inconvenience of unexpected outages. This reliance councils have on their complex IT infrastructures is driven by the need to manage extensive digital assets and ensure public safety.

Maintaining Productivity and Public Services

Councils are tasked with being digital-first, flexible and responsive to the changing needs of their citizens. This often involves managing a hybrid IT environment spread across various locations.

In Australian councils, there is simply no time for downtime. Any interruption in IT services can significantly hinder the ability of council employees to perform their duties, affecting public security and the functionality of essential online services. Comprehensive infrastructure monitoring becomes not just a necessity but a crucial responsibility to ensure that critical infrastructure remains operational and public safety is not compromised.

Proactive Issue Identification and Prevention

One of the key advantages of comprehensive IT infrastructure monitoring is the ability to identify and address system, application and network issues preemptively. By detecting potential problems early, councils can prevent downtime before it disrupts operations.

This proactive approach is crucial in maintaining productivity and ensuring that council employees can continue to serve the public efficiently, even across multiple distributed locations. The ability to foresee and mitigate issues means councils are not blindsided by unexpected IT failures, which can be costly, time-consuming and disruptive.

Flexibility and Integration

One of the standout features of modern infrastructure monitoring solutions is their high level of flexibility. These tools can seamlessly integrate with various sources across multiple distributed locations without vendor lock-in.

Infrastructure monitoring systems support all standard protocols and custom integrations, giving councils a centralised view of their entire IT ecosystem. This capability allows councils to monitor every physical and virtual device, application and system on their network around the clock. The result is a more cohesive and responsive IT environment that can adapt to the dynamic needs of a council.

Proactive Alerts and Performance Monitoring

Infrastructure monitoring tools alert IT teams when performance indicators deviate from optimal levels. This early warning system allows councils to stay one step ahead of potential IT infrastructure problems.

By installing a monitoring solution, councils can ensure that they are notified of any drastic changes in performance that could indicate underlying issues. This proactive strategy helps prevent downtime and maintain the smooth operation of public services.

Unified Monitoring for Enhanced Network Management

Councils can leverage infrastructure monitoring to maintain the full functionality of their network devices, applications, websites and data transfers using a single tool. This unified monitoring approach enables multiple local government sites to be connected and managed from one central view.

By setting traffic and device thresholds, council IT departments can monitor network activity and receive alerts when certain levels are reached. This helps prevent performance bottlenecks and connectivity issues, ensuring the network operates efficiently.

Security and Trend Analysis

Another critical benefit of infrastructure monitoring is its ability to enhance cybersecurity. By identifying abnormal traffic levels, councils can detect potential cyber-security threats early.

Additionally, monitoring tools provide usage trends that help understand which devices are over-utilising bandwidth. This data is invaluable for optimising network performance and allocating resources effectively. Monitoring and analysing trends also aids in long-term planning and infrastructure upgrades, ensuring that the IT environment can support future growth and demands.

Ensuring Citizen Safety and Service Continuity

The ultimate goal of comprehensive infrastructure monitoring is to ensure the safety of citizens and the continuity of public services. By maintaining the health of their IT networks, councils can provide reliable and secure services to the public. This includes everything from online service portals to emergency response systems. In a world where digital services are integral to daily life, IT infrastructure’s reliability directly impacts the community’s well-being.

Comprehensive monitoring

As Australian councils continue to embrace digital transformation, the reliability of their IT infrastructures becomes increasingly vital. Comprehensive infrastructure monitoring is essential for preventing outages, maintaining employee productivity and ensuring the security of public services. By adopting a flexible and integrated monitoring solution, councils can proactively manage their IT environments, detect potential issues early and maintain the smooth operation of critical public services. This not only enhances the efficiency of council operations but also ensures that the needs of the citizens are met without interruption.

*Felix Berndt is Regional Director at Paessler AG

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One thought on “Why councils depend on reliability of complex IT infrastructures

  1. Many councils make the mistake of neglecting their mobile IT.

    Protecting complex IT infrastruture sounds like a problem of monitoring IOT and adding security on servers and data centres, but increasingly the biggest disruptive threat is not failure, but intrusion. Think ransomware, malware and sabotage. And the biggest single attack vector for intrusion is via mobile IT.

    Securing mobile IT devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) is critical. These devices, both council-owned and BYOD, enable access to core council systems and data, so it’s critical to know where they are, who is responsible for them, and how they are secured. This typically involves unified endpoint management (UEM) and mobile threat defence (MTD) systems.

    Yet most Australian local councils seem to have little or no focus on this vulnerability. It should be an imperative.

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