Victorian Government has failed to provide water security, says ATA

By Staff Writer

The Victorian Government has failed to capture rain that falls over the city each year, according to a leading sustainable living organisation.

The Alternative Technology Association (ATA) has accused the State Government of wasting 600 gigalitres of rainfall each year.

ATA water policy manager, Anjali Brown, said the State Government was failing to capture rainfall over Melbourne and was instead investing billions of taxpayers money in a desalination plant which would only supply up to 200 gigalitres.

“Even in dry years more rain falls on Melbourne than the city uses, but with no stormwater capture infrastructure most of this is lost down drains,” Brown said.

“It is unforgivable that the government has done nothing to harness the rain that falls, free of charge, on Melbourne, but is locking Victorians into paying for high quality drinking water to flush the toilet.”

The Victorian Government last week announced that French company Suez Degremont had been awarded the public private partnership to construct the state’s desalination plant.

According to the ATA, the desalination plant should only be used as a “backup plan”.

Brown said the state government had failed to provide water security for the city of Melbourne.

“The Victorian Government has put all its water eggs in to the one desalination basket and their failure to diversify Melbourne’s water portfolio has left the state with no back-up plan.”

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