System renewal gathers pace.
Tag: commission-of-audit
January 29, 2016
by Julian Bajkowski
NSW Public Service reforms bite, benefits still missing
Definition of success proves elusive
August 18, 2015
by Julian Bajkowski
Parliament House Canberra runs out of room, mulls nearby land grab
Basement dwellers beg to be released from the Big House.
July 2, 2015
by Julian Bajkowski
SES seconded to big business as APS hiring freeze ends
Business Council of Australia members now hiring.
June 29, 2015
by Julian Bajkowski
Finance pushes ahead with ASIC registry outsourcing
Beauty pageant for corporate data paywall operators.
January 28, 2015
by Marie Sansom
Auditing technology in a tight fiscal environment
Government IT feels the pinch.
June 18, 2014
by Julian Bajkowski
Deloitte bulks-up Canberra consulting practice in preparation for Federal shake up
Experts buying up talent ahead of contestability agenda.
May 16, 2014
by Julian Bajkowski
Budget APS redundancies just the start of new outsourcing jobs cull
Confirmed 16,500 sackings just the start of new wave sell-offs and dispatch of jobs to industry.
May 5, 2014
by Paul Hemsley
Catastrophic impact warning from councils over axing of federal funds for local government
The National Commission of Audit’s recommendations to dump dozens of government programs could cut off cash flowing from Canberra to councils if direct funding programs are eliminated.
March 18, 2014
by Julian Bajkowski
Hidden price of APS cutbacks and uncertainty: staff and clients hit by anger and distress
Hardball tactics and a paucity of detailed information is taking its psychological toll on public servants and the clients they are required to serve.
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