Canberra to build solar hub to boost renewable energy

The nation’s capital is planning to build a new “innovation precinct” to attract research and development into solar power with the goal of making Canberra a “leading city” in renewable energy.

Canberra seeks industry know-how for light rail procurement

By Paul Hemsley Canberra’s long awaited light rail project is gaining momentum as the Capital Metro Agency has commenced a search for technical advisers to guide the project towards its procurement phase in 2015. These technical advisers will be expected to have expertise in transport planning, engineering design, light rail operations, environmental assessment, urban design, […]

Fresh hunt for government Annual Report writers is on

By Paul Hemsley and Julian Bajkowski Prime Minister Tony Abbott may have pared back the names of his ministries in pursuit of Zen-like simplicity, but the public service’s peak professional group is determined not to let the executive arm of government stake out a monopoly on the values of plain English, clarity of thinking and […]

Planners want electrified cycleways

By Julian Bajkowski  The Planning Institute of Australia has a taken red pen to the ACT Government’s ‘Draft Strategic Cycle Network Plan,’ marking down the strategy as “fundamentally flawed” and arguing that cycleways need to be opened-up to other modes of alternative transport. The planning body’s Capital chapter is urging further consideration be given to […]

Rubbish bins wheeled to the forefront

By Julian Bajkowski Canberra is best known as the home of federal government, however the Australian Capital Territory’s own looming election has thrown up a distinctly local policy issue that transcends partisan brands: rubbish bins. In a curious turn of ideology, Canberra’s Liberal Party opposition has pledged to stage a market intervention in the local […]


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