SAIC builds Victorian cyber security centre

Research and development will be the focus of a cyber security centre to be built in Melbourne with support from the Victorian Government.

Global research and development company, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) will develop the regional cyber security centre to support its efforts for the Australian Government and industry clients.

Initiatives surrounding the National Broadband Network (NBN), as well as research in data mining and analysis will be tasked to SIAC’s researchers.

The researchers will also be involved with developing software applications associated with SAIC subsidiary CloudShield Technologies Inc, and TeraText products.

According to the Victorian Government, the centre will create 50 skilled jobs involved with the facility over the next three years.

These jobs will be directed at defence simulation, cyber security and related defence areas.

Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations, Richard Dalla-Riva said the centre will focus on global challenges in national security, energy and environment, health and cyber security.

“The centre will provide a collaborative space for SAIC researchers to develop hardware and software to protect information and critical infrastructure from cyber attacks,” Mr Dalla-Riva said.

Minister for Technology, Gordon Rich-Phillips said the “new need” for cyber security development comes from the growing shift towards cloud computing, use of high speed broadband networks and increased threats of cyber attacks.


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