
Latest news

A decommissioned power station and an art festival without a home: the gamble that paid off

The boss of Placemaking NSW will talk about revinventing infrastructure from a bygone era at the Place Branding Australia Conference.

Recycled glass used to make energy-smart bricks

Engineers from RMIT have collaborated with a recycling company to make energy-smart bricks out of recycled material including ash and glass.

Road safety report recommends more support for councils

Local councils need more support for initiatives to encourage safe behaviour on the roads, a Victorian parliamentary committee says.

SA Uni develops place making guide for councils

The university of South Australia has developed a guide to help local councils develop quality public spaces.

Planning policies and book bans: NSW councils clash with state

Councils have faced off with the NSW government over planning changes and library policy.

NSW bus operator appoints former State Transit chief as MD

NSW bus operator Transit Systems has appointed former State Transit chief Daniela Fontana as its new Managing Director.

Parramatta Library takes out design award

Parramatta Library has taken out a prestigious award for library design.

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Innovation delivers justice

Young people in the justice system are better connected with support thanks to an innovative partnership between the not-for-profit, public, and private sectors.

Fairer Fleet Insurance with Geotab

With Geotab’s telematics solutions, greater oversight on your vehicles and drivers means more reliable data for your insurers. Armed with greater knowledge of your fleets, they can decrease insurance costs.


EasyPark ANZ celebrates 10 years of making parking easy

They say ‘Time flies when you are enjoying yourself.’ As EasyPark celebrates 10 years since the App first went live in Australia, attention has already turned to what the next decade will bring.

More energy solutions for industry

Thousands of manufacturing and industrial companies face the challenge of reducing both emissions and operating costs. Renewable gas could provide the energy option they need.



How local councils can achieve more with storytelling

Local councils must be able to engage stakeholders in a compelling community outcomes story rather than relying on complex data and technical reports alone.