Councils to be ranked on housing league table

The NSW government will rank councils on a league table showing how they are progressing on housing targets, in its latest attempt to ramp up supply across the state.

Paul Scully

It has also released an updated Statement of Expectations Order setting new benchmarks for council performance on development assessment, planning proposals and strategic planning.

View the league table here.

NSW aims to deliver 377,000 homes by mid 2029 and has already introduced a range of measures including housing targets, a new transport-orientated-development (TOD) program, financial incentives and an AI trial to speed up DAs.

“As councils assess approximately 85 per cent of all residential development applications, we’ve introduced a new Statement of Expectations and league tables as their performance is critical to confronting the housing crisis,” planning minister Paul Scully said in a statement.

State government also held to account

State agency concurrence and referral timeframes will also be published to hold the state government accountable, the minister said.

Regionally Significant Development Application referral times to planning panels will be published from August; State Significant Development assessment timeframes for infill affordable housing will be published from September 2024; and TOD accelerated precinct assessment timeframes in 2025.

The State Government is instituting a range of measures to support councils but where there is continuing underperformance despite that support, I will step in.

Ron Hoenig

And if a council underperforms on meeting housing targets, it can expect to have the riot act read out via a Performance Improvement Order from the minister.

“Local government has a critical role to play in approving housing across NSW,” local government minister Ron Hoenig said.

“The State Government is instituting a range of measures to support councils but where there is continuing underperformance despite that support, I will step in.

“The NSW Government is serious about addressing the housing crisis and while this is a last resort, we will explore every avenue available to us in order to build more homes.”

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