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The $400 billion+ marketing tool free for you to use

Australia's Nation Brand was launched in 2022 to communicate and harness the power of Australia's story.

Programs attempt to cool ‘Ice’ come-down

By Adam Coleman The battle to halt the rise of arguably Australia’s worst drug problem has begun, with the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) conducting world-first clinical trials of a new drug to help methamphetamine users kick the habit, while in NSW two new clinics providing pilot treatment programs will be set-up to […]

Mildura takes scholarly approach to skills shortage

By Adam Coleman Victoria’s Mildura Rural City Council has developed a scholarship program for engineers in an attempt to make some inroads into overcoming the problem of local skills shortages. “We’ve had a lot of trouble attracting and retaining skilled engineers, and this was a way of growing our own and contributing to the profession,” […]

Value from older workers

 By Jane Garcia It’s time to stop seeing only the challenges of the ageing workforce and start seeing the opportunities the situation creates. This is the message of IBM Global Social Segment’s Brian Lee-Archer – who has more than 10 years’ experience social services at IBM and previously worked in government for about 12 years […]

Having her voice heard

By Jane Garcia An involvement in community action lead Judy Maddigan into a career in local then state government and to her present role as the first woman Speaker of the Legislative Assembly in Victoria. Ms Maddigan says unlike most women trying to seek state or federal pre-selection, she was very lucky to have been […]

Leading WA’s emergency services

 By Jane Garcia Creating a climate of respect for people and what an organisation wants to deliver has been the key to a successful public sector career, according to Jo Harrison-Ward. The former executive director of the WA Police recently became chief executive officer of the Fire and Emergency Services Authority of WA (FESA), becoming […]

Doing it for themselves

By Jane Garcia in Toowoomba The coincidental timing of the Local Government Association of Queensland’s annual conference held in Toowoomba about two weeks before the State election could have left a hole in the program when state politicians were unable to meet their commitment to attend, and those that did were curtailed in what they […]

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Innovation delivers justice

Young people in the justice system are better connected with support thanks to an innovative partnership between the not-for-profit, public, and private sectors.

Fairer Fleet Insurance with Geotab

With Geotab’s telematics solutions, greater oversight on your vehicles and drivers means more reliable data for your insurers. Armed with greater knowledge of your fleets, they can decrease insurance costs.


EasyPark ANZ celebrates 10 years of making parking easy

They say ‘Time flies when you are enjoying yourself.’ As EasyPark celebrates 10 years since the App first went live in Australia, attention has already turned to what the next decade will bring.

More energy solutions for industry

Thousands of manufacturing and industrial companies face the challenge of reducing both emissions and operating costs. Renewable gas could provide the energy option they need.



How local councils can achieve more with storytelling

Local councils must be able to engage stakeholders in a compelling community outcomes story rather than relying on complex data and technical reports alone.