
Latest news

Vivid now and then: original architect to share stage with current director

The original architect of Vivid Sydney and its current director will share a stage to talk about the festival and how it's evolved over the years.

ACMA to establish $10m SenderID registry

ACMA has been tasked with setting up a sender ID registry to curb text message scams.

IBAC slaps senior health officials over handling of $1.2m contract

IBAC says its investigation highlights the apparent increase in the 'pliability of the public service'.

Mental Health Commission CEO steps aside as probe announced

The CEO of the NMHC has stepped aside as the government investigates allegations of bullying and dysfunction within the agency.

Construction giant launches renewables and energy business

John Holland has launched a new renewables and energy business.

Council partners with jail to produce sandbags for flood prone areas

Jail Inmates will help produce sandbags in a partnership between a NSW council and a local prison.

Hyperautomation and AI: emerging tech trends for CIOs to watch for

Gartner says AI and 'hyperautomation' are the next big trends for governments.

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‘Cyber security is everyone’s business’: 5 benefits of why you should integrate cyber security

With threat actors, nation states and the risk that comes from within, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) face a formidable challenge: ensuring up to date cyber security measures in an era of constant change.

Fairer Fleet Insurance with Geotab

With Geotab’s telematics solutions, greater oversight on your vehicles and drivers means more reliable data for your insurers. Armed with greater knowledge of your fleets, they can decrease insurance costs.


EasyPark ANZ celebrates 10 years of making parking easy

They say ‘Time flies when you are enjoying yourself.’ As EasyPark celebrates 10 years since the App first went live in Australia, attention has already turned to what the next decade will bring.

More energy solutions for industry

Thousands of manufacturing and industrial companies face the challenge of reducing both emissions and operating costs. Renewable gas could provide the energy option they need.



How local councils can achieve more with storytelling

Local councils must be able to engage stakeholders in a compelling community outcomes story rather than relying on complex data and technical reports alone.