New agenda for roads and transport

The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has launched a national local roads and transport policy agenda to provide a framework for local government in responding to federal and state government policies.

In presenting the report to the national general assembly of local government, ALGA president Geoff Lake said transport was one of the major areas of local government expenditure, accounting for up to 20 per cent of council spending.

“Not many people realise it, but local councils are directly responsible for 80 per cent of all roads in Australia,” Cr Lake said.

“The National Local Roads and Transport Policy Agenda 2010-20 establishes a framework which local government can use to respond to federal and state government policies and other issues as they emerge.”

The policy agenda addresses a number of emerging concerns for the sector, including road user charging, population growth and climate change.

It states that local government’s vision is for “an integrated and safe transport system that enhances the social, environmental and economic wellbeing of local communities”.

The report states that this will be achieved through ensuring local government has the financial and technical capability to manage 80 per cent of Australia’s roads; better integration of transport and land use planning on a national level; providing mobility for people in both urban and non-urban areas; improving road safety; and ensuring effective freight rail systems.

Download the report: The National Local Government Roads and Transport Policy Agenda 2010-20 [PDF]

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