The Digital Transformation Agency has raised red flags over some of the federal government’s most strategically significant digital and ICT investments, including key cornerstones of its sweeping program of aged care reforms.
A dataset of digital programs released by the DTA on Wednesday gives the $217m Future Aged Care ICT Platform, which is due to be delivered by December 31, a ‘medium low’ delivery confidence assessment (DCA).
The DTA says just because a project has a low DCA it doesn’t mean it won’t achieve its objectives. However, it does represent a “snapshot at a point in time if issues and risks are not addressed”.
The Future Aged Care platform is meant to support reforms to the aged care system by reducing red tape for providers, improving the quality and transparency of data and reducing ICT costs across Health and Aged Care.
The report rates the platform as a tier 1 investment, which include the government’s “most complex and strategically significant digital or ICT investments, responsible for transforming the experience of people and business and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations”.
Low DCAs are … a ‘snapshot’ at a point in time if issues and risks are not addressed.
Digital Transformation Agency
Another aged care initiative, the $154 million home care project, also got a medium low delivery confidence rating.
Due for finalisation on August 1 2025, the Support at Home program aims to provide older Australians with a single system for home support and provide appropriate funding and services to help them remain independent at home.
Meanwhile, Austrac’s $49 million Reporting Entity System Transformation (REST) received a ‘low’ deliver confidence assessment.
REST is designed to support AUSTRAC’s regulatory and intelligence functions, streamline communication with industry, make it easier for industry to comply with reporting obligations, and prevent ‘intermittent system failures’.
Other projects that got a low to medium rating include the $78 million Parliamentary Expenses Management System (PEMS) being overseen by Finance, and IP Australia’s patents administration system, which is set to close at the end of March.
Version 1.0 of the DTA’s data set contains data on digital projects the agency is providing advice on under the Assurance Framework for Digital and ICT Investments, which was introduced to back the successful delivery of digital projects.
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