NSW councils mount fresh attack on new state planning laws

By Julian Bajkowski and Paul Hemsley New South Wales Premier Barry O’Farrell is facing a fresh revolt in the state’s local government sector over controversial changes to planning powers after the peak group for councils warned it could hit Macquarie Street and big developers where it hurts the most – development approvals. Local Government NSW […]

Few takers for post-election pole clean-up

By Julian Bajkowski The federal poll may be done and dusted, but councils and power utilities across Australia now have a new challenge to deal with: how to pull down and dispose of the literally thousands of election posters fixed to power poles and lamp posts across the nation. It’s an issue that occurs at […]

Australian Public Service braces for Commission of Audit

By Julian Bajkowski Federal public servants are steeling themselves for a wide-ranging Commission of Audit by an incoming Tony Abbott Coalition government as the Prime Minister Elect prepares to come good on his election promise to cut down on wasteful and inefficient expenditure. Having received the incoming government brief from the public service known as […]

ALGA warning over $150 million regional funding gap

By Julian Bajkowski Councils and local governments across Australia are digging in for a battle to try and keep $150 million of federal infrastructure funding promised under the Regional Development Australia Fund (RDAF) after the Coalition refused to guarantee the money if it wins government. The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) on Friday upped the […]

Kaspersky warns new ‘Red Star ATP’ targets governments

By Julian Bajkowski Leading independent online and computer security firm and research house Kaspersky Lab has cautioned that governments and public institutions are among the intended targets of a newly discovered relaunch of an Advanced Persistent Threat (ATP) dubbed NetTravelers. The emergence of the new variant is a concern for public sector agencies because it […]

South Australia embraces Open Data

By Paul Hemsley The South Australian government has joined the ranks of the federal government and other state governments after Premier Jay Weatherill mandated a new requirement for all government agencies to house their public data in a central portal to ensure that it is accessible to the community at large. Following in step with […]

NSW sets strict annual deadline for council complaints

By Paul Hemsley The New South Wales Department of Premier and Cabinet has warned councils that they must quickly get their act together in reporting complaints made about them by constituents and ratepayers to the state government. This firm reminder has come in the form of a circular from the chief executive of the Division […]

Abbott says federal job cuts of 12,000 will be it

By Julian Bajkowski Opposition leader Tony Abbott has sought hose down rising fears that between 20,000 and 30,000 federal public service jobs will ultimately be axed in a repeat of Howard-era mass public service sackings in Canberra, taking to national radio on the ABC to pledge that only 12,000 jobs will go. Mr Abbott told […]

Feds bitten by dentists over local government fluoridation failures

By Julian Bajkowski Australia’s official body for dentists has taken a bite out of Australia’s main political parties over what it claims is a “deafening silence” over local governments controversially removing fluoride from town water supplies against the interests of public health. The Australian Dental Association (ADA) is warning that taxpayers and the federally funded […]

Melbourne wins global sustainability award

By Paul Hemsley The City of Melbourne has triumphed over New York and Berlin in worldwide contest for creating sustainability programs after the city’s submission won top honours for efforts in retrofitting older buildings to become much more environmentally friendly. The CBD council was this week awarded the C40 & Siemens City Climate Leadership Awards […]

Victoria’s $434m crime proceeds haul cops a caning

By Julian Bajkowski Victoria’s system of confiscating money and assets from the state’s organised criminals and drug dealers has been found sorely wanting by the state’s Auditor General after a new report highlighted a raft of operational and governance shortcomings. An audit of the state’s Asset Confiscation Scheme by the Victorian Auditor General’s Office released […]

NSW agencies covered by new cloud policy

By Julian Bajkowski The New South Wales government has added to a downpour of public sector cloud computing policy announcements in the past week, revealing the state’s departments and agencies will now be compelled to put the popular technology into the mix for assessment when making technology purchases. Announced by Minister for Finance and Services […]

Legal lessons from the Queensland Health Payroll System Commission Report

Analysis: By Michael Grosser, Partner, Holding Redlich The Queensland Government’s procurement practices and the acceptance of the role of probity advisors have evolved considerably since 2007 when the Queensland Government commenced the procurement activity for the Queensland Health Payroll System. Probity is now recognised by Queensland Government agencies, statutory bodies and Government Owned Corporations as […]

Clean, green urban space not just a walk in the park

Governments are looking into each other’s backyards for lessons on how to keep community spaces in top shape reports Paul Hemsley. It’s all too easy for ratepayers to forget that councils do much more than more than “rates, roads and rubbish” especially with large tracts of publicly owned land to manage in the form of […]


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