Services in small town Australia declining

The Regional Australia Institute (RAI) has released a ‘Pillars of Communities’ report on the availability of services in Australia’s small towns. The findings are not good. The report is accompanied by a Report Card’, which rates how well Australia provides access to ten essential professionals for residents living in small towns across Australia. Access to […]

Draft Newcastle metro plan released

The NSW Government has released a Draft Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan. It sets out urban strategies to 2036 for Newcastle City, Cessnock, Lake Macquarie, Maitland and Port Stephens. The plan was released on 30 November by NSW chief planner Gary White. It is at this stage a draft plan, with the NSW Government’s Department of […]

Lucky country, smart city – Opinion

Australia has long held a reputation for being the ‘Lucky Country’. That has largely been the case over the past 25 years. Our economy has the averted the financial crises that have plagued the USA and Europe. Most industries, with relatively high amounts of low-cost capital at their disposal, have grown steadily. But has this […]

Australian cities rank poorly in mobility

Australia’s major cities fare badly in a recently released global ranking of mobility – how well they allow their citizens to move around. The ranking of 100 global cities, the ‘Sustainable Cities Mobility Index 2017: Bold Moves’, was published by Arcadis, a major Dutch engineering and management consultancy. Each city is rated on three factors: […]

New State Treasurers club to confront Feds

The Treasurers of Australia’s states and territories have formed a new Board of Treasurers, which pointedly excludes Federal Government Treasurer Scott Morrison. The new body is an initiative of NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet, who said that the states and territories need to derive substantially more value than they are currently getting from the existing Council […]

Major Melbourne makeover – new suburbs planned

Two separate announcements this week have shown a glimpse of Melbourne’s future. The city is evolving rapidly and will soon regain its former position as Australia’s largest city. In the 19th century, fuelled by money from the gold rushes, the city was called ‘Marvellous Melbourne’. In just 40 years it grew from a village on […]

NSW releases graphical statistics dashboard

The NSW Government has released an online tool that shows graphically key demographic attributes of the state’s regions. The People and Places Dashboard shows data such as population age groups, household composition, and land usage. The data is projected 20 years into the future. The website was launched by Minister for Planning and Housing Anthony […]

Australia’s cities not so ‘liveable’ after all

Australia’s big cities often rate well on international ‘liveability’ indexes. But all is not as it seems. Life for many residents in Australia’s cities isn’t nearly as good as we would like to believe, a new report from RMIT University has found. The new ‘Creating Liveable Cities in Australia’ study is the culmination of five […]

Affordable housing needs strong leadership

State based affordable housing schemes only work if supported by strong political leadership. That’s the key finding of a major new report, ‘Government led innovations in affordable housing delivery’. The report, by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) analysed the affordable housing market in Australia. It found that effective strategies and programs: rely […]

New administrator for NT

Vicki O’Halloran AM has been appointed as the Northern Territory’s 22nd Administrator.

Why Transitional Housing?

Transitional Housing: the cooperative solution that could solve housing for the homeless.


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