Businesswoman and climate change advocate Sam Mostyn is among three new members appointed to the Climate Change Authority, boosting its membership to six and expanding its advisory role.

Ms Mostyn is a businesswoman and sustainability adviser with a long history of executive and governance roles, and has served on boards for The Climate Council and the Centre for Policy Development.
She has been a non executive director at Mirvac, Chairman at Citibank, non-executive director at Transurban, a non-executive director with Virgin Australia, the first female AFL commissioner, a mental health commissioner and a member of the Sustainability Council. She was also a senior adviser to Prime Minister Paul Keating from 1995-96.
Appointed alongside Ms Mostyn are Wiradjiri Nyemba woman and leading indigenous water rights scholar Dr Virginia Marshall, and academic and climate scientist Professor Lesley Hughes.

Climate change minister Chris Bowen said the expansion of the Climate Change Authority would bolster its role in providing independent advice to government on the reduction of the nation’s emissions and climate change policy.
The three new members brought vital skills and experience to the authority, he said.
“With this expanded membership, the Authority is better placed to oversee emissions reduction efforts and provide government with expert advice,” he said in a statement.

The Authority, established in 2012, will be responsible for advising the Climate Change Minister on an annual climate change statement to Parliament and providing advice on Australia’s future targets under the Paris Agreement.
It retains responsibility for reviewing the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System and the Carbon Farming Initiative and conducting research into climate change matters.
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