Time to topple the hierarchical leadership model
In a decade that will increasingly be marked by simultaneous social, economic, environmental, and personal challenges, the rigidity of hierarchical structures appears impractical.
6 May, 2024In a decade that will increasingly be marked by simultaneous social, economic, environmental, and personal challenges, the rigidity of hierarchical structures appears impractical.
6 May, 2024Treat culture as something leaders and staff alike can work on. Track progress, link to agreed outcomes and you will find within a year or two, you are all working in a very different space. Culture will become a tailwind to your shared ambitions.
30 January, 2024Once upon a time elected members brought skill and will to the management of council, but that is no longer always the case. Today they often need a lot of managing themselves.
30 November, 2023General information for new CEOs can be confusing and, at times, irrelevant to the unique context of leadership in regional councils.
12 November, 2023End of content
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