National Archives tells agencies to tap into its Digital Skills Matrix
Digital skills now an absolute must for all public servants.
27 May, 2015Digital skills now an absolute must for all public servants.
27 May, 2015Technological D-Day for galleries, museums, archives and libraries.
18 September, 2014By Julian Bajkowski The once mighty proprietary influence of Microsoft over government software and operating environment standards has been dealt a further blow after the Australian Government Information Management Office revealed that it now wants the Open Document Format to be supported as a file standard in productivity application suites used by most federal agencies. […]
4 June, 2013By Paul Hemsley The National Archives of Australia (NAA) has said it will school government agencies about how to best manage and preserve valuable digital records to eliminate risks involved with potentially vanishing electronic documents. The official record keeper has launched a new e-learning training module Introduction to digital records to teach personnel in agencies […]
22 March, 2013By Paul Hemsley The New South Wales government’s custodian of state records has become the first state archives agency in Australia to create a digital online portal containing accessible reports and statistics based on the ‘Open Government’ principle. Known as “OpenGov NSW”, the new NSW State Records website acts as a searchable online database of […]
13 December, 2012End of content
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