Rail Association gauges big spike in train usage

By Paul Hemsley New research commissioned by Australia’s peak rail body has found that the use of passenger, freight and light rail increased in dramatically between 2011 and 2012, after the number of passenger journeys on trains and trams jumped by 15.4 million to 784.2 million. The Australasian Railway Association (ARA) is pushing the new […]

Rudd steers High Speed Rail pledge at Coalition

By Paul Hemsley Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has made an ambitious bid to get Labor’s trailing electoral fortunes back on track on the East Coast by pitching the big-picture infrastructure vision of High Speed Rail against Tony Abbott’s smaller target Paid Parental Leave scheme as a better use of taxpayers money. Mr Rudd yesterday committed […]

Drivers warned to ‘Train yourself’ or die

By Julian Bajkowski Australia’s rail industry has launched its annual community safety awareness blitz, Rail Safety Week with a blunt message about the often lethal consequences of being on the wrong side of the tracks when it comes to moving trains. In a release unambiguously headed ‘Train yourself (or die)’ passenger and freight rail operators, […]


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