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Ditch current rate pegging system, local govt professionals say

NSW local government professionals say the rate pegging system is restricting the ability of councils to deliver services.

Spend it sensibly

By Jane Garcia No matter how hard you try does there always ends up being some mouldy green thing in the back of your refrigerator that might have started life as a fruit or vegetable? Or do you find yourself buying yet another bottle of conditioner when you already have two or three at home? […]

Healthy living

By Kim Powell Seven million Australians are overweight, and two million of us are obese. Our well-rounded figures indicate that two in three Australian males aged over the age of 25 are now overweight, and physical activity is the second biggest risk factor for disease in this country, second only to tobacco smoking. The financial […]

Tackling the taboo

By Kim Powell Illegal drugs. It seems not a week goes by without the issue making the news. The South Australian Democrats leader Sandra Kanck stirred the debate in May by saying that the refusal to allow partygoers to test drugs at dance parties is counter-productive to minimising harm and that people will continue to […]

An impressive street approach

By Jane Garcia  Does your street furniture reflect the values and aspirations of your community? Is it creating a sense of ‘this is a place people want to be’? Ian Dryden is an industrial designer with the City of Melbourne. For more than 19 years he has helped create and implement a range of furniture […]

Green report for the public

By Jane Garcia Government departments and agencies have done well at tracking environmental and social data but not so good at turning this information into a well developed report which can demonstrate what it means, according to a sustainability reporting expert. Linda Funnel-Milner is the director of Corporate Responsibility Australia and the chair of stakeholder […]

Urban scrawl

Kim Powell looks at the different ways some councils have approached the problem of graffiti. Brisbane City Council The issue of graffiti in Brisbane is being tackled by the Brisbane City Council and Queensland Government agencies. Transport and Main Roads Minister Paul Lucas says the majority of graffiti vandalism involves criminal trespass, which is dangerous […]

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How local councils can achieve more with storytelling

Local councils must be able to engage stakeholders in a compelling community outcomes story rather than relying on complex data and technical reports alone.

Fairer Fleet Insurance with Geotab

With Geotab’s telematics solutions, greater oversight on your vehicles and drivers means more reliable data for your insurers. Armed with greater knowledge of your fleets, they can decrease insurance costs.


EasyPark ANZ celebrates 10 years of making parking easy

They say ‘Time flies when you are enjoying yourself.’ As EasyPark celebrates 10 years since the App first went live in Australia, attention has already turned to what the next decade will bring.

More energy solutions for industry

Thousands of manufacturing and industrial companies face the challenge of reducing both emissions and operating costs. Renewable gas could provide the energy option they need.



‘Cyber security is everyone’s business’: 5 benefits of why you should integrate cyber security

With threat actors, nation states and the risk that comes from within, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) face a formidable challenge: ensuring up to date cyber security measures in an era of constant change.