National waste policy on track

Environment ministers are on track to deliver Australia’s first national waste policy, the Environment Protection and Heritage Council (EPHC) has announced.

The Council met in Sydney last week to progress key issues of national interest, including the ten-year national waste policy.

Environment Ministers reinforced their commitment to product stewardship measures, including the national recycling scheme for electronic waste, which is the first initiative under the national waste policy.

The Council discussed the need for strengthened arrangements to improve resource recovery from the commercial and industrial waste stream, with ministers committing to expedite waste reforms and initiatives in line with the national waste policy.

Ministers also outlined progress in the development of a consultation regulatory impact statement on measures to increase the recovery of used packaging.

It was agreed that the regulatory impact statement should not focus soley on beverage containers, but more broadly on litter reduction and resource recovery.

The Council agreed to consider a number of measures, including a container deposit scheme; advanced disposal fee; and workplace, events, hospitality and institutions recovery.  A stakeholder workshop will be held in early December.

For more information on the Council’s latest meeting visit


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