Mental health programs a must

By Grant Brecht

Statistics show that in Australia mental health problems are indeed on the rise.

The National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 2007 found that about 20 per cent of Australian adults aged between 18 and 64 years have a diagnosable mental health disorder in any one year.

During their working life, a staggering 45 per cent of Australians will suffer a diagnosable mental health disorder.

Another frightening statistic is that only about 12 per cent of people suffering from these disorders seek treatment.

This means that in any 12-month period, approximately 17 per cent of a workforce will suffer a mental health disorder and not receive any intervention.

Through the provision of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), governments are in a privileged and unique position to be able to make a true difference to the mental health of many Australians. MORE>>

Read the full report: Mental Health Programs a Must [PDF]

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