Have your say on OHS Laws

An important step in moving towards harmonisation of Australia’s workplace safety laws has occurred with the issuing of an invitation for written submissions to the National Review into Model Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) laws.

All interested persons are able to contribute to the review by lodging a written submission by 11 July 2008. This provides an opportunity to influence the direction of OHS reform in Australia.

The review panel chair, Robin Stewart-Crompton, said that the panel is looking forward to the submissions and would appreciate evidence and reasoning to support the proposals.

“The submissions will assist the panel in making well informed recommendations to the Workplace Relations Ministers’ Council on the optimal structure and content of a model OHS Act,” said Mr Stewart-Crompton.

“We want to ensure that the legislative OHS framework is effective and responsive to the changing needs and working arrangements in Australian workplaces.”

The goal of harmonising OHS laws has the support of Commonwealth, State and Territory governments, including the Prime Minister, Premiers and Chief Ministers, and Workplace Relations Ministers.

In accordance with the review’s terms of reference, all matters raised in the submissions will be considered on their merits. Unless indicated otherwise, submissions will be made public on the review website.

The issues paper, together with a template for written submissions, is at www.nationalohsreview.gov.au.

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