Chief legal services red tape buster appointed

Heather Moore, a former director at the Greater Cities Commission, will take on a new leadership role as Commissioner for Uniform Legal Services Regulation and CEO of the Legal Services Council.

Heather Moore

NSW Attorney General Mark Speakman says Ms Moore will use her extensive experience in regulatory policy and the justice sector to promote efficiencies and simplify legal services in Australia.

The Legal Services Council and Commissioner oversee the Legal Profession Uniform Law scheme, which was instigated by NSW and Victoria in 2015 to standardise regulation, cut red tape and create a common market.

WA joined the scheme in July and it’s hoped more jurisdictions will sign up in future.

“Ms Moore’s extensive experience in regulatory policy development, strategic planning and stakeholder management at the highest levels of the legal industry combined with her deep understanding of the Legal Profession Uniform Law makes her an excellent appointment for this key role,” Mr Speakman said in a statement.

His counterparts in Victoria and WA have also welcomed Ms Moore’s appointment.

 Most recently, Ms Moore has been the Director, Office of the Chief Executive Officer, Greater Cities Commission.

For the past decade she has worked for the Law Society of NSW and held various senior policy and leadership roles in the now NSW Department of Communities and Justice.

Ms Moore starts her five year term on  November 1, taking over from Megan Pitt.

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