Home Workforce Appointments Cappie-Wood to review unexplained wealth scheme

Cappie-Wood to review unexplained wealth scheme

Cappie-Wood to review unexplained wealth scheme

Former NSW Department of Justice secretary Andrew Cappie-Wood will undertake an independent review the National Cooperative Scheme on Unexplained Wealth.

The scheme, which came into force in 2018, was intended to support information sharing between the Commonwealth, states and territories in relation to unexplained wealth proceedings and organised crime investigations

Its main aim is to make it easier for Commonwealth, state and territory law enforcement agencies to trace and seize assets that can’t be connected to a lawful source.

The legislation enables participating jurisdictions to access powerful information gathering powers under the 2002 Proceeds of Crime Act, including notices to financial institutions and production orders.

Confiscated proceeds of crime are shared between Australian jurisdictions that contributed to joint investigations, encouraging further cooperation.

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus says the review, which is required by legislation, will examine whether the scheme is increasing collaboration between parties and whether legislative reforms are required.

Mr Cappie-Wood has had significant experience in leading, managing and providing strategic advice to government agencies, Mr Dreyfus said.

He was first appointed as a director-general of a NSW department in 1994 and over the next 25 years led and managed government agencies in both NSW and the ACT, including the NSW Departments of Housing, Ageing Disability and Home Care as well as the Department of Education and Training.

In 2007 Mr Cappie-Wood relocated to Canberra when appointed as Director-General of the ACT Chief Minister and Treasury Department and the head of the ACT Public Service.

He returned to Sydney in 2013 to lead the NSW Department of Justice.

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