Information commissioner faces five year backlog of FOI requests
The Commonwealth’s Freedom of Information System faces five year backlog of requests to review FOI decisions.
25 March, 2024The Commonwealth’s Freedom of Information System faces five year backlog of requests to review FOI decisions.
25 March, 2024Gold Coast City Council accused of being “rude” and “secretive.”
25 November, 2015By Paul Hemsley Canberra internet users have accessed a broader range of information through the Open Government website for transparency purposes. Launched in October 2011, the ACT Government said the website has received positive community feedback with more than 10000 page views and comments posted online and during three Twitter Cabinets held since July 2011. […]
4 January, 2012Professor John McMillan. The Federal Government has announced the opening date of the first Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. The Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010 will commence on November 1, 2010, with Professor John McMillan beginning as Australia’s first Information Commissioner. Cabinet Secretary, Senator Joe Ludwig, said the opening of the office represents a […]
8 June, 2010End of content
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