Cash-strapped Central Darling Shire Council facing suspension

By Paul Hemsley and Julian Bajkowski The New South Wales government has moved swiftly to use its new authority to bring badly struggling local governments in the state to book through issuing a notice of suspension under Early Intervention powers. The state’s Local Government Minister Don Page on Tuesday hit Central Darling Shire Council with […]

Victorian state and local governments split over referendum

By Paul Hemsley and Julian Bajkowski Victorian councils have slammed the state’s local government minister, Jeanette Powell, over claims that a referendum on financial recognition of local government in the Constitution could result in an erosion of state government power as deliberate scaremongering. In a broadside aimed squarely at his state government, Municipal Association of […]

Council rates at risk in NSW land valuation bungle

By Julian Bajkowski Substantial miscalculations in the value of rural land have come back to bite the New South Wales bureaucracy after Broken Hill City Council confirmed it wants the state to stump up almost $7 million in overcharged rates that were levied on mining company Perilya. NSW Minister for Finance and Services Greg Pearce […]

Budgets re-checked after federal blunder

The Local Government Association of NSW has found that councils will need to reassess and modify their 2012-13 budgets. Councils will need to give their budgets a second look after the federal government substantially overestimated the amount of funds councils would receive in Financial Assistance Grants (FAGs) for 2011-12. The NSW Grants commission advised councils […]


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