Councils get smarter with data

Digital tools such as smart contracts and data-commons licenses are letting citizens share data on their own terms.

A mobile future for a smart Australia

The smart mobility market in the APAC region is set to grow significantly, and tools like AI, analytics and IoT will be at the heart of intelligent public transport management systems, smart junction management and many other offerings that will likely become standard in the near future.

Delivering AI we can trust

The G20 Declaration is a timely reminder that emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) are critical to the nation’s future.

Governments to increase spending on cloud, cybersecurity and analytics

Gartner’s Rick Howard Leading IT analyst group Gartner predicts that cloud computing, cybersecurity and data analytics will be the top technology spending priorities in the public sector CIOs in 2018. And data centre infrastructure will be the most commonly targeted technology for cost savings. A global Gartner survey of government CIOs found that 16 percent […]

Experts raise concerns on AI in law and government

A US artificial intelligence thinktank has raised serious concerns about the use of the technology in government, and especially in the legal system. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the use of computers to simulate human thought. AI is increasingly being used to make decisions in business, most notably in systems called robotic process automation (RPA), which […]

Artificial Intelligence and government regulation

We are moving rapidly towards a world where robots and artificial intelligence (AI) systems are connected to and influenced by social media, the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data. Technological developments are moving fast, and AI has many governments concerned. Given the pace of technological advancement, how do rule-makers set legislation for AI while […]


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