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ICT action plan

The information and communications technology (ICT) action plan complements the Queensland Government ICT strategy 2013-17 and details how we want to achieve our vision of a modern ICT environment that supports service delivery.

The plan establishes a new management framework and outlines a significant program of work, addressing the challenges we face in delivering outcomes in line with the ICT strategy.

It highlights:

  • priority initiatives
  • clear timelines for each action
  • accountable owners for each action
  • governance of the government ICT sector
  • how critical program and projects will be managed.

Download the ICT action plan (PDF, 1.3MB).

To ensure that the needs of the Queensland community are met both the Queensland Government ICT strategy and the accompanying action plan will be reviewed regularly.

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY 3.0)
Last updated
4 October 2013

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