Australian Government: Department of Defence
Defence Capability Plan 2009 December 2010 Update - Public Version

JP 2097

Phase 1B REDFIN – Enhancements to Special Operations Capability


In December 2006, Government approved the urgent replacement of the SASR Long Range Patrol Vehicle (LRPV) fleet as an accelerated phase of JP 2097, known as Phase 1A.

The remaining requirements of JP 2097 were then passed to JP 2097 Phase 1B. Phase 1B addresses C4ISTAR and Land Mobility deficiencies by providing a Networked Special Operations Capability (NSOC) and  a modern fleet of Special Operations Vehicles.

Australian Industry Capability Considerations

An AIC Plan is required when the estimated project budget for an acquisition is equal to or greater than $50m or where the project identifies a specific need for local industry to deliver aspects of the capability, such as a Priority Industry Capability. The table below provides an indication of the likely AIC, PIC, SIC and GSC requirements for this project:

1B Yes1 No Yes No

1. Where an FMS solution is likely, an AIC Deed will be used instead of an AIC Plan to identify 2nd Pass industry opportunities.

Phase 1B REDFIN – Enhancements to Special Operations Capability


This phase seeks to enhance two high priority Special Operations capabilities, in order to maintain a capability edge over emerging threats to Australia’s national interests, namely:

  • Land Mobility. The land mobility capability provides three fleets of vehicles to support the tactical manoeuvre of Special Operations and to replace obsolete vehicles. This capability enhancement would focus on the key requirements of mobility, survivability, sustainability, knowledge and lethality.
  • Networked Special Operations Capability (NSOC). The NSOC provides an integrated information environment and a range of electronic systems to support the spectrum of Special Operations. This capability enhancement focuses on the key requirements of information exchange, information management, situational awareness, decision support and battlespace sensing. These systems are mostly light dismounted systems.

IOC will most likely include delivering an initial tranche of both Land Mobility and dismounted networking capabilities to the ADF.

The expected LOT for the vehicles will normally be 15 years and five to ten years for most networking capabilities.

Planned Schedule

First Pass Approval FY 2010-11
Market Solicitation FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13
Year-of-Decision FY 2013-14
Initial Materiel Release FY 2014-15 to FY 2015-16
Initial Operational Capability FY 2015-16

Australian Industry Opportunities


This phase will seek to procure equipment systems that are highly interoperable with the remainder of the ADF as well as with coalition partners. Non-developmental equipment will be sought through a combination of open tender and restricted tender for the land mobility element of the project. The Special Operations Vehicle (SOV)-Cdo element will be sourced through open tender, the SOV-Spt through restricted tender, and the SOV-Log through either open or restricted tender (subject to linkages with Land 121 Phase 3). The Networked Special Operations Capability (NSOC) element of the project leverages existing Australian Defence Organisation project contracts to provide the majority of NSOC capabilities and restricted tender will be used for other elements to ensure commonality and interoperability. It is expected that there will be opportunities for Australian industry in this phase, potentially including assemble and install, project management, contract management, component production, systems integration, trials and testing, through life support, training development and training.

Capabilities and related activities that may provide opportunities for Australian industry include:

Phase 1B Industry Capability
Industry Activity Facilities & Infrastructure Land Vehicles Communications Systems Command and Control Systems
Assemble / Install   OPT OPT OPT
Design OPT OPT    
Education / Training   DES OPT OPT
In-Service / TLS   DES OPT OPT
Logistics Support   DES OPT OPT
Manufacture / Construct PREF OPT    
Modelling / Simulation   OPT OPT OPT
Project Manage   OPT    
Refurbish / Upgrade PREF OPT OPT OPT
Repair / Maintain / Sustain PREF DES OPT OPT
Research and Development   OPT    
Software Development / Support   OPT OPT OPT
Systems Definition / Development   OPT OPT OPT
Systems Integration   OPT OPT OPT
Test and Evaluate   OPT OPT OPT

This project phase will include a requirement for new facilities and infrastructure, or the expansion and enhancement of existing facilities and supporting infrastructure. The nature and scope of the requirement will be refined as the project matures.

Through-life Support

It is expected that there will be some opportunities for Australian industry to assist in TLS for Phase 1B, but due to the nature of some of the systems sought, TLS will be provided by original equipment manufacturers. Where possible it is envisaged that support services contracts would be competitively tendered with possible opportunities for Australian industry to provide TLS in scheduled maintenance, repairs, engineering and logistic analysis services, modifications, spare parts supply, technical documentation and training.

Acquisition Category
ACAT Attribute Complexity Level Assessment
Acquisition Cost $100m-$300m (High end of band)
Project Management Complexity Level 3 Moderate
Schedule Level 3 Moderate
Technical Difficulty Level 3 Moderate
Operation and Support Level 4 Low
Commercial Level 3 Moderate

The ACAT Rating assessed for this Phase is ACAT III.

Points of Contact

Capability Staff:
Defence Materiel Organisation:
Deputy Director Special Operations
(02) 6265 5215
Program Director JP 2097 Phase 1B
(03) 9282 4423
Defence Capability Plan / December 2010 Update / Public Version