UK council faces legal action for banning leading feminist

A UK council faces legal action after a library banned a leading feminist from giving a public talk on male violence towards women because of her views on transgender issues.

Julie Bindel

Lesbian and womens’ rights campaigner Julie Bindel was due to give a talk on rape, domestic abuse and male violence towards women at Aspley City Library, in Nottinghamshire, England, on Saturday.

However a day before she was scheduled to speak, Ms Bindel says she was informed that a decision had been made by Nottingham City Council to cancel the event and ban her from the library.

She has now vowed to sue the council, saying she has been discriminated against and vilified.

In a statement Nottingham City said the decision was made “due to the speaker’s views on transgender rights being at odds with aspects of the Council’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy”.

Ms Bindel has been a vocal critic of gender ideology and asserts that transgender women are not women. She also argues against the inclusion of trans-identifying men in female-only spaces including prisons and refuges.

Nottingham City Council Deputy Leader Cllr Adele Williams and Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods, Safety & Inclusion Cllr Neghat Khan said council took the decision to cancel the booking as soon as it became aware of Ms Bindel’s views on transgender rights.

“Nottingham is an inclusive city and as a council we support our LGBT community and have committed to supporting trans rights as human rights through (LGBT charity) Stonewall,” they said in a joint statement.

“We did not want the use of one of our library buildings for this event … to be seen as implicit support for views held by the speaker which fly in the face of our position on transgender rights.”

Ms Bindel says her scheduled talk was about violence against women and she hadn’t intended to talk about transgender issues at the library.

The talk went ahead in the library’s car park instead.

In an article published in The Daily Mail on Monday Ms Bindel said she would sue the council.

“My planned talk was cancelled on the ludicrous grounds that my views on transgender  rights are at odds with civic policy. Without speaking to me, or bothering to discover what I actually believe, the council decided to deny me the right to speak on their premises,” she said.

“So I am going to sue them. On behalf of every woman who is being told to shut up and stay quiet, during the worst misogynist backlash I have witnessed in my lifetime, I’m taking the council to court.”

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2 thoughts on “UK council faces legal action for banning leading feminist

  1. Ridiculous. It’s not very inclusive to ban her.
    Everyone should be free to have their views and opinions heard so long as they are not calling for harm or infringement on the free-will of others.

  2. So a leading feminist who is also well known to be lesbian is being canceled during pride month by other people also claiming to be part of the same community citing inclusion for their stance to exclude Julie Bindel. It is quite clear that a dogma centered around a set of beliefs have infiltrated government institutions that quite possibly is also in Australia that pose as well meaning but are deeply anti liberal (in the social sense and not political) and anti free speech. The problem is that these typically far left leaning are endemic of a straying away from a rational and compromising center that is necessary for trusting institutions like council.
    Though these are small incidents i think there is a wider issues under the surface.
    I hope she sues the pants off the council with the effect of relevant council people losing jobs or changing ways and creating the proportional public outcry.

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