Abbott warning to Public Service chief on Carbon Tax

By Julian Bajkowski Opposition leader Tony Abbott very publicly told the head of the public service, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet Secretary Dr Ian Watt AO, that he expects to have legislation to scrap the price on carbon and an emissions trading scheme pre-written and ready to table should the Coalition win government. The […]

States are the ‘laboratory’ for climate change policy

By Angela Dorizas State governments should be the laboratory for climate change policies, leading climatologist Professor James Hansen has said. In an interview with Government News, Professor Hansen, head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and adjunct professor at Columbia University in New York, said state governments were well placed to test climate […]

Grandfather of global warming promotes tax and dividend [Video]

Professor James Hansen: After Copenhagen – looking for real solutions Source: Sydney Ideas By Angela Dorizas A carbon tax and dividend scheme is the only viable option for reducing greenhouse gases to a safe level, according to James Hansen, head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and adjunct professor at Columbia University in […]

ETS voted down in the Senate

By Angela Dorizas The Rudd Government’s emissions trading scheme has been voted down in the Senate. The Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) bill was defeated by 41 to 33 votes. Liberal Senators Sue Boyce and Judith Troeth crossed the floor to vote with the Government. Independent Senators Nick Xenophon, and Family First’s Steve Fielding joined […]

Tony Abbott elected Opposition Leader

By Angela Dorizas Tony Abbott has been elected Opposition Leader after winning the Liberal leadership spill by one vote. Mr Abbott defeated Malcolm Turnbull in a final ballot by 42 to 41. Joe Hockey was eliminated in the first ballot, with Mr Abbott polling 35 votes, Mr Turnbull 26 votes and Mr Hockey 23 votes. Victorian MP Fran […]

Liberal party in ‘meltdown’ as frontbenchers revolt

By Angela Dorizas The Liberal Party is in a state of turmoil following the resignation of five frontbenchers and two Senate whips. Liberal MP Tony Abbott quit shadow cabinet after failing to convince Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull to reconsider the party’s position on the emissions trading scheme (ETS). Mr Abbott and Senator Nick Minchin approached Mr […]

Brumby offers grants to combat emissions

By Rob O’Brien The Victorian State Government is moving ahead with plans to help communities reduce carbon emissions through a scheme that includes grants for councils, businesses and schools.   Unveiling the new $23 million Climate Communities program, the Premier, John Brumby, said the government would work in partnership with Victorians to help drive down […]

Turnbull holds on to Liberal leadership

By Angela Dorizas Malcolm Turnbull has maintained the Liberal leadership following a failed motion to vacate the seat of the Opposition Leader. Mr Turnbull called a party meeting this afternoon to vote on a spill motion put by backbencher Wilson Tuckey. Howard government minister Kevin Andrews said he would challenge Mr Turnbull for leadership of […]

Carbon emissions up 41pc on 1990 levels: CSIRO

By Staff Writer Carbon dioxide emissions from human activities rose 2 per cent in 2008 despite the economic effects of the global financial crisis, according to a paper published in Nature Geoscience. Total missions in 2008 reached an all-time high of 1.3 tonnes of carbon per capita per year, the paper found. The paper – by […]

ETS delay not a bad thing, says ALGA

By Rob O’Brien A delayed Emissions Trading System (ETS) will give the Federal Government more time to iron out some of the technical problems with the policy, according to the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA). Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced this morning that the Government’s ETS would be delayed until 2011. The government had planned to introduce the scheme […]


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