Smart Blocks elevate low impact living for high rises
Apartment blocks get the sustainability treatment
24 September, 2014Apartment blocks get the sustainability treatment
24 September, 2014By Julian Bajkowski Australia’s scientific peak scientific research organisation and its staff association is playing a straight bat to reports that it could be gutted and lose up to a quarter of its staff under public service staff cuts that aim to cull 12,000 positions without redundancies. As a public service hiring freeze enforced by […]
8 November, 2013By Paul Hemsley The federal government in on the move to sniff out a qualified consultant to review the methods and data used to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from dairy cattle in the Australian National Greenhouse Accounts (ANGA). The potential contractor will be expected to develop a method for estimating methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide […]
8 November, 2013By Julian Bajkowski The federal government is officially on the hunt for a “visionary leader” to spearhead the Australian arm of a global radioastronomy probe into life, the universe and everything – better known as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). The Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education this week released official tender […]
17 January, 2013End of content
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