Recycling bins that change behaviours and help you to lead by example
Every day the headlines are littered with news about the state of the environment and particularly our waste. The only thing anyone can seem to agree on is that we can’t continue the way we’re going.
Councils and government departments in particular are under pressure to lead by example and motivate their people and communities to make a visible difference. Across Australia and New Zealand councils and government departments have had great success implementing Method’s innovative and beautiful bins to create behaviour change, create awareness and to lead by example.
Method pioneered the philosophy of Open Plan Recycling, bringing the beautiful bins out into the open. The 60L recycling and waste bins are placed together to form flexible recycling stations that are located consistently throughout a space. Method’s philosophy makes the introduction of a recycling system that separates waste, recycling and organics at the source simple and effective.
Having the recycling bins out in the open and removing desk bins changes the way individuals interact with waste and recycling in a space. Desk bins allow individuals to place all of their waste into one place discreetly and conveniently. On the other hand, with Method’s visible recycling station an individual has all waste streams available to them when they need to dispose of an item. Further, accountability increases when they’re out in the open where others can see, they’re more likely to consider where their waste should go, even subconsciously.
The bins also increase awareness, they become a visible statement of your commitment to recycling and sustainability. Making recycling bins a part of the furniture creates conversations, opportunities for knowledge exchanges and creates a culture of shared responsibility.
Tim Ey the Sustainability Officer at Mackay Regional Council found that “Open Plan Recycling was the catalyst to engage the 120 people on [our] floor with what else we were doing in the council. Now everyone is aware of the broader sustainability program we’re working on, which encourages them to support it.”
Method’s knowledgeable team have helped councils, universities, corporate offices and many more to implement an effective, behaviour changing recycling and waste solution. Benefit from their experience to lead by example, get in touch –
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