By Staff Writer
South Australian communities and local governments are being encouraged to give feedback on an extensive plan for Greater Adelaide.
The Greater Adelaide Plan, which covers 28 council areas and seven State Government planning regions, will detail where and how Adelaide and its surrounds will develop over the next three decades.
Council and communities have been urged to comment on the plan by the Local Government Association of South Australia (LGA).
LGA President, Mayor Felicity-ann Lewis encouraged communities to get involved in the consultation process but warned that the plan would require greater cohesion between all three levels of government.
“The draft plan for Greater Adelaide is all encompassing and includes plans for job growth, aging and new communities, affordable housing, greenfields developments, water, climate change and transit oriented developments.
“However, at the local government level, we must be assured that the three spheres of government work together to ensure that the development and ongoing maintenance of current and new infrastructure is well researched and appropriately funded.”
Mayor Lewis said the final plan must recognise the need for symbiotic developments.
“Where there are plans for housing developments there must also be plans for schools, parks and open spaces, community sporting facilities and other vital infrastructure required to create and support new communities,” she said.
Councils and communities have until September to provide feedback on the Greater Adelaide Plan.
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