Anne Jolic has been appointed the new CEO of Development Victoria.
Having held senior roles at Landlease, Mirvac and the Property Council of Australia, Jolic joins the government agency with extensive experience in the property industry.
While head of operations at real estate firm Landlease Jolic oversaw a $4.1 billion portfolio of developments spanning residential, commercial and build-to-rent.

“Anne Jolic brings decades of experience in delivering major projects to her new role as CEO of Development Victoria and I look forward to working with Anne as we get on with delivering more opportunities for Victorians right across the state,” Minister for Development Victoria Harriet Shing said.
Jolic’s role will see her working closely with the government to unlock and rezone surplus government-owned land, enabling the delivery of approximately 9,000 homes across 45 sites in metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria, reads a statement.
Established in 2017, Development Victoria’s remit is to revitalise publicly owned land and buildings – residential areas, precincts, and public spaces – with a commitment to creating affordable communities
“Development Victoria’s project list in both delivery and pipeline over the next five years is immense,” said Jolic. ”I am excited to lead the organisation in this next phase, working with our partners to deliver critical housing supply and continuing to deliver great places that all Victorians can be proud of.”
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