Giving voice to Victoria’s remote regions

More than 40 new members have been appointed to Victoria’s Regional Partnerships program to advise and guide the state government on local economic matters.

Established in 2016, the Regional Partnerships initiative offers members a “direct place-based voice” to all tiers of government “to drive economic growth” in their communities.

Gayle Tierney

“Regional Partnerships are a key voice to government, recognising local communities are in the best position to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by their region,” said minister for regional development Gayle Tierney.

The partnerships initiative is based on the premise that community members are best placed to identify local priorities and advise government on the delivery of local services, support and programs.

Regional Partnerships members are chosen for their strong connections to local community, industry and business, and experience in leadership roles.

There are nine Regional Partnerships across Victoria:

  • Barwon
  • Central Highlands
  • Gippsland
  • Goulburn
  • Great South Coas
  • Loddon Campaspe
  • Mallee
  • Ovens Murray
  • Wimmera Southern Mallee.

In total, 67 people have been appointed roles across the nine regions – 42 new members and 25 returning for another term. “We look forward to working with new and continuing appointees to drive the economic development of regional Victoria,” Tierney said.

Over recent years, the partnerships have secured a range of initiatives in regional Victoria:

  • a cross-border commissioner was appointed in Malle to tackle the unique needs of cross-border communities
  • Wimmera Southern Mallee received $1.25 million to build a 4G network across remote districts of the region
  • Goulburn Regional received $15 million to fund a community wellbeing hub.
Xavier Csar

“Our work with the Regional Partnerships is part of the Victoria government’s ongoing commitment to making rural and regional Victoria even better places to live, work, stay and play,” said Xavier Csar, CEO at Regional Development Victoria – the state government’s lead agency responsible for rural and regional economic development.

On the appointment of the new members, Csar said: “Regional Victorian communities are vibrant, growing and diverse, and it’s pleasing to see we have Regional Partnership appointees who will provide these people with an important and effective voice to government.”

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