E-learning taking off in government

By Lilia Guan
Consulting service ILX Group  has secured staff training contracts with several Federal government departments. 
These include the Australian Electoral Commission, Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Department of Immigration and Citizenship, AusAid and Australian Bureau of Statistics.
ILX group country manager for Australia and New Zealand Michelle Phillips said federal government departments embraced the e-learning training methodology.
“Research by ILX highlights that departments can save up to 40 per cent on training program costs by using e-learning techniques over traditional training methods,” she said.
“Further, the advantages of e-learning include elimination of travel and associated accommodation costs and importantly its tailored relevance to each department.”
According to Ms Phillips government agencies were looking for a scalable training solution to meet individual and group needs.
She told Government News traditionally computer based training was not received well and confidence in the medium for training tapered.
“Training managers found that staff would not finish the training as they were uninspired by the ‘text-on-screen’ approach and found they had more important things to do at work,” Phillips said.
“However e-learning enables staff to develop and move through training at their own pace, catering for individual knowledge levels and learning capabilities.
“Learners are able to repeat sessions to develop a better understanding of each module without holding back the rest of their class.”
According to ILX because staff training through e-learning, can eliminate costs related to classroom training such as; accommodation; travel; meal; and out-of-office time.

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