Access granted for QLD health website

By Paul Hemsley
Minister for Health Geoff Wilson said performance information on the State’s hospitals will be conveniently available and accessible through the website.
“Already we report more hospital statistics than any other State in Australia and this new website goes a step further, people can now easily see what services their hospital is delivering and how it’s performing all at the click of a button,” Mr Wilson said.
The website currently displays the latest performance figures showing the State outperforming the national median with waiting to be seen in an emergency department for a Category One patient being less than a minute.
Mr Wilson said the website is a “great example” of how the government is working to make access to health information and services faster and easier.
“It’s about a new way of doing things that means people can access more information about their hospital in a clearer way, and when they want to,” Mr Wilson said.
According to a Queensland Health spokesperson, the website was designed and built using in-house technology infrastructure to minimise costs with no external involvement.

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